OMG Brand Category: SB

Publish your location information and Menu in the relevant category today. It’s completely free and you will never be charged for doing so; not now, not ever!

Did you see something in a supermarket that would help your fellow dietary challenged friend? Take a picture and add it in the relevant category today!

Did you dine somewhere which met your dietary preference? Was the experience good? Share it and help your fellow dietary challenged friend. Take a picture and add it in the relevant category today!

Do you have a special handed down recipe you would like to share. Amazing! Publish it in the relevant category today!

No. There are plenty of platforms but the database will never be comprehensive. This is because ALL platforms out there charge and not every location can afford to subscribe and get their location listed. OMG’s Social First philosophy promises to NEVER charge either the location OR the customer so together, we will build the most comprehensive site, ensuring our fellow dietary challenged friends don’t need to suffer just because they travel to somewhere new.

There should be no reason why you should be discriminated against just because you have a dietary preference/need. When you find a location, you should stomp the ground and make sure it gets in the book; StompBook.

The SB community works together, without borders, to build the world’s most comprehensive database of locations where you can get your food or drink fix. Join the community today and contribute to a greater good.

Owl Media Group